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  • Ben Walther
  • Posted by Ben Walther
May 24, 2024

After publishing my post about the Average Directional Index (ADX) and how...

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  • Ben Walther
  • Posted by Ben Walther
May 16, 2024

80% of trading success is a proper trade signal. Well-defined trade signals...

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  • Ben Walther
  • Posted by Ben Walther
May 9, 2024

I’ve seen many posts and articles in the last few days complaining...

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  • Ben Walther
  • Posted by Ben Walther
May 7, 2024

This post does not need a wishy-washy blah blah introduction about crypto...

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  • Ben Walther
  • Posted by Ben Walther
April 26, 2024

Want to know the one thing that separates successful traders from the...

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  • Ben Walther
  • Posted by Ben Walther
April 25, 2024

When I started crypto trading, I lost money faster than I could...

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  • Ben Walther
  • Posted by Ben Walther
April 23, 2024

I constantly try to improve my crypto trading performance. I gather knowledge...

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  • Ben Walther
  • Posted by Ben Walther
April 22, 2024

I have been dealing with performance indicators my entire business life. When...

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  • Ben Walther
  • Posted by Ben Walther
April 21, 2024

One of the biggest lessons I learned is the difference between wanting...

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  • Ben Walther
  • Posted by Ben Walther
April 20, 2024

This post is about red flags. Signals that indicate you probably won’t...

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