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Lessons Learned

  • Ben Walther
  • Posted by Ben Walther
April 28, 2024

Structure is essential in building anything that thrives. Many traders have questions...

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  • Ben Walther
  • Posted by Ben Walther
April 17, 2024

Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast! A quote I recently read....

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  • Ben Walther
  • Posted by Ben Walther
April 15, 2024

Emotions are silent killers. When it comes to crypto trading, emotions mess...

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  • Ben Walther
  • Posted by Ben Walther
April 2, 2024

I felt like the master of the universe when I started trading....

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  • Ben Walther
  • Posted by Ben Walther
March 25, 2024

Oh come on, a trading journal? Are you serious? I think this...

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  • Ben Walther
  • Posted by Ben Walther
March 25, 2024

Before I started trading cryptos, I didn’t even know I could feel...

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  • Ben Walther
  • Posted by Ben Walther
March 20, 2024

I found it! Let’s order that Lambo! Those were my first thoughts...

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  • Ben Walther
  • Posted by Ben Walther
March 19, 2024

When I started crypto trading, I was excited to watch the charts....

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  • Ben Walther
  • Posted by Ben Walther
March 17, 2024

It was almost three years ago. But even when I think about...

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